In this
millennial society, entrepreneurship
has become one of the keys of success in global free market competition. The young
generation became the trigger of the nation's success in competing in the free
market. Not only giving an impact to themselves, but these young
entrepreneurs also lift up the nation’s economy. That is the main topic of the entrepreneurship seminar held by English
Department Students' Association titled "The Age of Entrepreneurs: Young
and Creative Generation”
on Saturday (26/08) in Kahuripan Hall, Universitas Airlangga Rectorate
The seminar was
attended by four speakers who are successful entrepreneurs: Widyoseno
Estitoyo as the
owner of Oost Koffie and Thee, Havelteh The
Finest Indonesian Tea, Ahimsa D. Afrizal as the founder of
Jejakku Application and Director of Upward Project, Heru Purwanto as the owner of Mr.
Jack and Alfawzia Nurrahm as,
the owner of Prufritz communication hub who is an alumnus of English Department 2007. The seminar
had Laurencia Agnes H. D. as the moderator and Maitsa Jahja
and Navyan
Nur Ashabi as the MCs.
The seminar was
enlivened by the performance of EDSAMAN, the English Department saman dance
community who
opened the seminars. The
speakers were given souvenirs which are framed sketches made by SKEDSA, English Department drawing community.
Participants of the seminar are given 1 box of Surabaya Patata and a bottle of Cleo. They also received a one-year free domain to
support their entrepreneurship.
The seminar was supported by
PPKK (Career Development and Entrepreneurship Center) UNAIR, Surabaya
Government, TDA Community Surabaya, Surabaya Patata, Surabaya Event, EDSA
Stall, Macaroni Saurus, Gold's Gym, Cleo, Zebra, Mebiso, Indosat ooredoo, and
Biz Clean.
Through this
seminar, EDSA UNAIR hopes that all the seminar attendees can become a new
pioneer in entrepreneurship and spread the spirit of entrepreneurship that is useful
and inspirational for the people around them.
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