Stoicism: The Never Gets Old Pillar of Life

In a hectic life, we're actually looking for meaning in that record every second. People do enjoy life. On the one hand, people are trying to save themselves. Sometimes we need peace above all, or we're in pieces to face our problems. People try to crack their crosswords, encode their matching to it, or are clueless about it.

Perhaps you aren't even familiar with the term Stoicism or skip Stoic teachings. As in the world of Philosophy, there are numerous branches and goals studied in this field. Well, I think I have found a prior understanding of my life by this method. Stoicism teaches us to live by a set of values that promote emotional resilience, calm confidence, and a clear sense of direction in life. It's a life guide based on reason rather than faith, like an old reliable walking stick, a principle that supports us in our pursuit of self-mastery, perseverance, and wisdom. Stoicism transforms us into better people and teaches us how to succeed in life.

One thing I look forward to is the Promise of Stoicism. To live a good life, you have to struggle with the primary concern of Stoic, "the art of living." For example, if a content writer wants the audience to enjoy her content, she must make a meaningful contribution to her writings. Stoicism basically teaches us how to flourish in life, trains us to confront adversity calmly, and simply assists us in shaping and enjoying a lively situation. It shows that philosophy is a matter of practice. We learn how to explore, find what we need, or fix something. Remember, in writing content, a writer must have multiple vocabularies, know s/he audience to make the writing more useful, and research what is going to deliver the message. 


Marcus Aurelius once said, "Dig within. Within is the wellspring of Good; and it is always ready to bubble up, if you just dig." This statement is a form of trying to find your ideal look for yourself. Eudaimonia alone is shortened from eu, which means "good," and daimon means "inner spirit." To become the best friend for yourself is to live with your good spirit. In other words, it is in our nature to give what that divine seed began and bring our human potential to life. To become as close as possible to our high potential self, we must become good with our inner daimon first and live in accordance with our ideal self. The simple translation of Eudaimonia is happiness. You don't have to perform as the happiest human being all the time, but you choose to show it wisely. 

Emotional Resilience

Life has unpredictable moments and how we survive from our problems that lie with our emotions. Perhaps it knocks you out, puts you down, gets slapped, and you want to leave this behind. Yet, Stoicism gives us countless directions to face. It means we need to get back up and keep improving. As much as one famous quote from someone says, "Fall seven times, stand up eight," You gotta risk it all because you're trying every step that matters in your journey. 

When life gets tough, we want to be able to control ourselves and our actions. We want to be a rock-solid fortress, unflappable even in the midst of a wrath outburst. When others are panicking, we want to remain calm, collected, and capable of being the best we can be. Not to mention that philosophy is kind of emotionless, but this issue is on how we see it. People claim that it is impossible to succeed in life while suffering from unreasonable emotions. As a result, we require apatheia, or the ability to overcome these emotions. That's where the name "apathy" comes from, and it's one of the key reasons for the popular misconception that the Stoics were emotionless or desirous of suppressing their emotions. 

All in all, Stoicism has nothing to do with hiding or repressing one's feelings or with being calm. It's more about accepting our feelings, meditating on what generates them, and learning to channel them for our own Good. To put it another way, it's more about letting go of unpleasant emotions rather than pinning them.

Writer: Firly Nur A

Editor: Hasna F
