Internship Talk with Kak Akbar ‘18

Pada artikel kali ini, Kak Akbar (KA) akan memberikan insight seputar dunia Internship melalui pengalaman Intern nya di salah satu Startup Online Travel Agent (OTA), Tiket.com.
IN: Silahkan untuk memperkenalkan diri dulu, kak. KA: Namaku Akbar Fauzi, bisa dipanggil Akbar. Aku angkatan 2018 dan sedan…

Put Your Finger Down If You’ve Played These GameHouse’s Collections

Before fighting in a multiplayer battle arena and spending money on gacha games, the OG gamers devoured the guilty pleasure of GameHouse’s game collection.Founded in 1998, GameHouse is the subsidiary of RealNetworks, Inc., a provider of artificial intelligence and computer-based products. GameHouse…

Back Pain and How It Affects Our Lives

I'm sure that most of us have been told, at least once in our lives, that we should stand up straight, and as much as we hate it, it's true. We have to sit up straight. The posture itself is the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting. Just like how there is no perfect…