This is a page presented to English Literature Outstanding Alumnus with their achievements and contributions to society. We hope this page will encourage everyone who reads this, especially English Literature students, to be the best version of themselves.
AKBP Yuli Cahyanti is an English Literature Alumnus '89. She is the Head of America-Europe Subdivision, International Convention, Set NCB Interpol Indonesia, and Indonesian National Police (POLRI) International Relationship Division.
During AKBP Yuli study, she was active in organizational activities, such as Pramuka and Student Regiment (MENWA). After she had finished her education, she worked as a secretary at the export-import company and as a part-time English teacher in a hotel school in Surabaya.
In 1995, one of AKBP Yuli's friends asked her to sign up for the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI). Initially, she was testing the water, but it turned out she was accepted. She never expected that she would be a police officer. Her family and friends were also surprised at the news because they thought being in the military is not AKBP Yuli's interest. However, she believed that this was destiny written for her. That is why she is fulfilling her job with all of her heart and dedication.
It all started with a coincidence. However, AKBP Yuli's sincerity and dedication to her job led her to receive many notable POLRI International Relationship Division awards. AKBP Yuli received Satyalancana Bhakti Buana honorary award from President Joko Widodo in 2018 from her mission with Garuda Bhayangkara II Formed Police Unit (FPU) IX contingent members as PBB peacekeepers in Darfur, Sudan. Her contingent is also known as the best team during the duty in Sudan. Furthermore, AKBP Yuli is one of the 10 Outstanding Policewomen. The award was handed over directly by the first lady, Iriana Jokowi, at the National Monument (Monas), Jakarta, in 2018.
Lastly, she wishes Universitas Airlangga to always provides a good education for their students. Hence, they will become good human beings to create a fair and prosperous Indonesian society.
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