“Communication: 20% what you know, 80% how you feel about what you know.”
- Jim Rohn
ECC stands for English Conversation Club that aims to encourage people to speak English confidently and to practice their speaking correctly. Before the pandemic, ECC members usually gather at the British Corner in the Campus B Library. But, during this online learning, all of their activities are conducted online.
ECC has exciting activities to train your critical thinking and make you able to express your thoughts to others. The first one is Discussion Time. Here, the members will be given a topic to discuss together. It could be about the freshmen year tips or social issues. The second and the most fun one is The Game Time! The members will play various games from board games to word games together. Besides the fun, Game Time also tightens the community bond and pushes them to learn how to think strategically.
The third activity is Movie Time, where the members will watch a movie together in the cinema and discuss the movie right after that in a food court or somewhere else that relaxing. When all the activities are migrated online, ECC conducted online meetings for the Discussion Time and use online multiplayer games for the Game Time, such as the online UNO.
"ECC benefits me to practice my public speaking and basic conversational skill with other people because I’m the type of person who needs to practice in front of many people. Everyone will have the chance to speak in ECC. Another benefit of joining this club is to get new relations. Lastly, the advantage of ECC activities is relieving my stress and refresh my mind after the class."
- Gaea, Member and Chief of ECC (2020)
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